----Added to reflect the current health precautions being observed throughout the country. ----
Circumstances have changed quickly this past week. State and local leaders have enacted public health guidelines in response to the concerns presented by COVID-19. Since the writing of the March blog post, it has become clear that Seniors need to take special precautions to keep well. Safeguarding your health by limiting your exposure to crowds and those who are ill is extremely important right now.
For the latest information on public health measures and the COVID-19 infection, you may visit the following sites:
Once health officials declare it safe, please enjoy the guide to fresh and fun spring activities in Fort Wayne. They’re sure to be extra enjoyable! ----
Spring is right around the corner. You’ve likely noticed the signs—birdsong out the window, sunnier days, and warmer air. With the change in season come many fresh, fun activities for Seniors in the Fort Wayne area. As spring sets in, it will be easier to get out and about in the city and to take in our many beautiful nature sites. Step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and find something you’ll enjoy doing alongside family, friends, and new folks. Choose from favorites like the Botanical Conservatory, Farmers Markets, or the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo. Or try something new down at Promenade Park or with the Parks & Recreation Department. With so much going on this spring, you’re bound to have a good time!
Opportunities for fun, exploration, and relaxation are nearly endless. Here are 10 ideas to get you started this season.

Explore the “Dog Days of Winter” Exhibit now through April 12. Enjoy lush gardens, accessible paths, early spring blooms, and canine-inspired topiaries. Take in the ample sunlight as you stroll through the gardens, whatever the weather. Sip something warm from newly-opened Conjure Coffee and take a look through the Conservatory Gift Shop. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for children over 3.
The Zoo opens soon! Beginning April 18, you can welcome the Zoo’s 56th season. Stroll the 40 acres of animal enclosures, cafés, beautiful landscapes, and scenic rides. Invite family and greet the many animals through children’s eyes. Or simply enjoy the accessible paths throughout the zoo. There will be much to enjoy as animals—and people—come out from a long winter indoors. Senior (62+) admission is $12.
Beginning April 13, you can join the crowd at Parkview Field and cheer on the Fort Wayne Tincaps as they kick off their 2020 season. Grab a hot dog and a seat, enjoy the atmosphere, and help our favorite ball players start their season strong. There’s lots to love at the four-time Stadium Journey Magazine #1 Minor League Ballpark. Tickets start at $6.
Visit the Fort Wayne Museum of Art downtown for a tour of current exhibitions and collections. At 5pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month, the Paradigm Gallery hosts local and regional artists and invites you to experience their work in a deeper way. On April 9th, the museum will welcome Helen Frost, local poet and author. Admission is free to 2nd Thursday events.
If you’ve been downtown lately, you may have noticed vibrant public art and murals on our city’s walls and alleyways. Download a PDF map and take a free tour of these amazing works!
On May 17 from 12-5, visit the Cherry Blossom Festival at the downtown Allen County Public Library and get a wonderful taste of Japanese culture. Take part in a tea ceremony and learn its meaning, sample fare like sushi and mochi ice cream from Japanese food vendors, learn how bonsai trees are developed, take an up-close look at a kimono, watch martial arts demonstrations and Taiko drumming, and sing along with Karaoke. There is something to enjoy for every age. Admission is free.
Make it a day down by the river and book an excursion on the Sweet Breeze canal boat for a fully accessible river experience for all ages. Come explore Fort Wayne’s three rivers: The St. Mary’s, St. Joseph’s, and Maumee on an 1840’s canal boat replica named for Chief Little Turtle’s daughter, Sweet Breeze. Have fun listening to river lore stories, Fort Wayne history, and muddy water tales. 45 and 90-minute tours are available every weekend from May through September, and by appointment. Adult tickets are $20 and $30 depending on the length of your tour.
Join the community for Salomon Farm Park’s Fiber Arts Celebration. On May 15-16 from 10-3 and 10-5, take a relaxed and interesting tour around the Farm. Get hands-on experience and watch demonstrations of making natural fiber products through sheep shearing, wool dyeing, weaving, spinning, and more. Enjoy wagon rides and live animals. Craft and arts supply vendors will be selling spinning wheels, wooden knitting needles, looms, shuttles, and felting supplies. Admission is free, and there’s lots to enjoy for everyone!
Enjoy a day filled with fun, educational, and relaxing opportunities with Sundays on the Riverfront. Choose from free classes and activities at Promenade Park each Sunday and learn more about how science, art, literature, and philosophy affect us and our world. No preregistration is required, and enjoy free coffee all day!
Also check out weekday and weeknight Riverfront activities at Promenade Park. Join the Wednesday Walkers at 9 a.m. Or choose a weeknight event ranging from Family Game Nights, Dance Classes, and Performance Nights. Check out the full month’s calendar and admission fees.
You can always get a coffee or ice cream cone and sit down on one of the oversized porch swings at Promenade Park and enjoy people watching and the ever-changing riverfront scenery.
The Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department has LOTS of great activities, classes, tours, and events planned for Seniors this spring. Visit the Community Center at 233 W. Main St., check out your copy of the Spring Fun Times, or visit their website for schedules and calendars.
Find crafting classes, games like bingo, shuffleboard, cornhole, and Euchre. Or learn to tap dance or paint while spending time with others. Join Seniors every week for Monday Luncheons and craft time as well as Tuesday movies. Check out a schedule of Seniors walking tours of downtown and the accessible paths of nature preserves like Eagle Marsh, Lindenwood, and Hurshtown Reservoir. For a complete list of programs and costs visit www.fortwayneparks.org.
10) Outdoor Farmers Markets
Check out Visit Fort Wayne for an extensive list of Fort Wayne’s Farmers Markets. Visit an old favorite or try a new site. Farmers Markets feature fresh fruits, vegetables, and various hand-crafted goods grown and produced locally and regionally. Meet the growers, enjoy live music and treats, and learn about the many gifts of our region. Admission is always free. What you spend is up to you!